Dr. Ilhami Sancar SIMSEK

Sinus Avoidance Technique: Placement of 4 Upper Jaw and 6 Lower Jaw Implants - Turkiye - Naxis


Sinus Avoidance Technique: Placement of 4 Upper Jaw and 6 Lower Jaw Implants

In cases where sinus augmentation procedures are not feasible or preferred, alternative techniques must be employed to ensure successful implant placement in the upper jaw. This case presentation discusses the utilization of a sinus avoidance technique for the placement of 4 implants in the upper jaw and 6 implants in the lower jaw, with temporary prosthetic loading within 72 hours.

Introduction: In cases where sinus augmentation procedures are not feasible or preferred, alternative techniques must be employed to ensure successful implant placement in the upper jaw. This case presentation discusses the utilization of a sinus avoidance technique for the placement of 4 implants in the upper jaw and 6 implants in the lower jaw, with temporary prosthetic loading within 72 hours.

Case Presentation: A patient presented with significant bone resorption in both the upper and lower jaws, necessitating implant-supported prosthetic rehabilitation. However, due to patient preference or anatomical considerations, sinus augmentation was not pursued in the upper jaw. Instead, a sinus avoidance technique was employed to place 4 implants in the upper jaw, while 6 implants were placed in the lower jaw, with temporary prosthetic loading within 72 hours.

Treatment Implementation: Implant placement was meticulously planned in both the upper and lower jaws to maximize bone anchorage and ensure optimal support and stability for the future prostheses. The chosen implants were strategically positioned to avoid the sinus cavities in the upper jaw while achieving ideal placement in the lower jaw. Naxis implants were selected for their reliability and compatibility with the sinus avoidance technique. Temporary prostheses were loaded onto the implants within 72 hours post-surgery to provide immediate function and esthetics.

Outcome: The utilization of the sinus avoidance technique resulted in successful implant placement in both the upper and lower jaws, providing stable foundations for prosthetic restoration. Despite the absence of sinus augmentation in the upper jaw, the patient experienced no complications, and all implants exhibited favorable osseointegration.

Conclusion: This case demonstrates the efficacy of sinus avoidance techniques in facilitating implant placement in both the upper and lower jaws when sinus augmentation is not pursued. Through meticulous planning, precise execution, and the provision of temporary prostheses within 72 hours, satisfactory outcomes can be achieved, providing patients with immediate functional and aesthetic restoration without the need for sinus intervention.

Note: Patient identity has been kept confidential, and X-ray images have been used for scientific purposes."

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